Dmitry Tymchuk’s Military Blog: Summary – April 14, 2014
Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine
Brothers and sisters,
Here’s the Summary for April 14, 2014.
The bad news
1. The extremists are continuing to wreak havoc in eastern Ukraine. The government continues to issue ultimatums but no one reacts to them. It’s the opposite: the extremists started issuing their own ultimatums, as happened in Luhansk today – they demanded that the oblast [regional] authorities do not submit to Kyiv.
I have talked about this, let me reiterate it once again: nothing provokes violence more than an unwillingness to protect oneself. The more frequently our government issues ultimatums, and then does nothing, the more scepticism their threats will receive. Today’s “suggestion” by Turchynov to conduct a joint anti-terrorism operation with the peacekeeping forces of the UN – is, as a matter of fact, a statement by Ukrainian authorities about their own powerlessness.
If we hadn’t found out that the very same Turchynov finally signed the decree on the start of anti-terrorist operations (ATO), I would have said: guys, they’re pouring Ukraine down the drain. But not all is lost. At least, we would like to belive in this, although everything is happening with a brutal and criminal delay.
2. The Kremlin has announced that “there are very many complaints coming from the eastern regions of Ukraine, addressed personally to Putin, asking for help.”
Everyone perfectly understands what Russian “aid” smells like. Why these statements are being publicized – is understood equally well too.
In the case of Crimea, Putin has retroactively invented “opinion poll data,” which allegedly showed the desire of Crimean residents to become part of Russia. Saying that is why he started the aggression. Now, Moscow is trying to create an excuse ahead of time for its invasion of the eastern regions.
3. Information regarding our 25th Separate Airborne Brigade. Today, Russian media reported that the brigade joined the extremists in Sloviansk.
That’s not true. The brigade did not join anyone’s side.
The truth is that there were problems with its use in the anti-terrorist operation. Unfortunately, we cannot provide details yet. But it’s not even close to treason.
4. The Party of Regions called on Ukrainian soldiers to stop following “illegal orders by the current government.”
I have no words in regards to this statement – only, as people say, spit and filthy language. Following orders, and under the patronage of these nasty hypocrites, “law enforcement personnel” shot unarmed people who stood for democracy under the flags of Ukraine just two months ago on Maidan (and by the way, they rushed headlong to Kyiv to participate as army execution units – Maidan won just in time).
Now they are broadcasting about “criminal orders” when it comes to Russian aggressors and armed terrorists who are committing extremist acts under the Russian flag.
In my opinion, until we clean out this evil scum from government offices and parliamentary seats, it is too early to speak about a free Ukraine.
The good news:
1. The meeting of the UN Security Council showed that no one believes Russia anymore. At the same time, the EU leaders declared their readiness to adopt new sanctions against Russia next week. The United States announced their readiness to do so on their end, and earlier at that – starting tomorrow.
The fact of the matter is: Russia became the world’s pariah. Everyone recognized the face of the new Reich. The only question remains, how ready is the world to radically solve the problem named “Putin.”
2. It’s taken too long and it’s very sad, but nonetheless, special forces units are being deployed to eastern Ukraine.
I get this impression that [the officials in] Kyiv do not quite understand that the clock is ticking. But even so, the process is underway. And at the moment, they have convened rather impressive forces. The only question is who will coordinate them and how.
3. However, this question has been answered already: the order regarding the start of an ATO [anti-terrorist operation] has finally been signed. Moreover, Vasyl Krutov has been appointed the First Deputy Head of the SBU and the Head of the Antiterrorism Center at the SBU. He has already been dubbed as “a legend of the ‘Alpha’ special forces” in the media. It is also good to see that the old guard returns alongside Krutov.
The special forces are confident that this General and his guys will be able to plan and organize a relatively efficient operation. Let’s hope so – because it seems to be the last hope to save the East within Ukraine.
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